Decentralized Web3 technologies could improve coordination around tackling climate change because they use local knowledge and actors to guide policies and put funding where it’s needed.
Climate change is a global coordination problem.
The system has failed to coordinate effective policies and capital investment into the commitments necessary to address the most pressing threat to humanity.
Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.
You will need to have Metamask to pay with PGF7T token.
We have chosen to adopt blockchain technology for the launch of 2 innovative decentralized Dapps.
We believe in Web3 and in the strength of communities.
The token is on the Ethereum smart contract 0x9fadea1aff842d407893e21dbd0e2017b4c287b6 ,
and the code is public at
QuickSwap smart contract:
🔴 It is possible to buy and sell PGF7T tokens on Uniswap and QuickSwap Exchanges.
PGF7T token will be listed on other Exchanges soon.
Price: PGF7T
Enjoy the Journey 🚀